Day 3: Breathe

As a long, cold, snowy winter begins to show signs of winding down (look at how noncommittal that is), this day has been blissfully warm and sunny. I have spent my time cleaning, playing mom taxi, getting a haircut, gassing up the car. Tonight we will make oven fried chicken and mashed potatoes, drink a little wine, maybe watch a movie. While not quite sabbath, it has been bliss.

The best investment of time? A 3.5 mile walk/jog in a local park, surrounded by other sun revellers, dogs on leashes, kids in strollers or with kites. 

There is something so basic about getting outside after a season of settling for the treadmill. I breathed deeply over and over again. What a precious thing, fresh air. What a precious ability, moving. At leisure.  This is, in some ways, my playtime with God. I am grateful for each and every moment. I am reminded that play is part of who I am, that I am created to move and breathe, and sweat and laugh, and love good music that makes my soul soar.

And I breathe in and out, sharing life with the trees, and the winter-worn grass, the people that I pass.

And it is good.


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